Lifecycle Management
DMI provides tools to ensure hardware purchased is used through its full lifecycle.

Wireless Hardware Is Expensive
The cost of wireless devices has skyrocketed in recent years. A great deal of savings can be found in ensuring all hardware purchased is used to the end of its lifecycle
End User Hardware Agreement
Automate and store end user hardware agreements. This will ensure all users are aware of the repercussions for misuse causing damage.
Problem Employees
Make certain users who consistently mistreat hardware are identified so cost for repair or new device deployment can be billed back.
Hardware History
Get granular with reporting on hardware. See all historical users and repairs completed on each device. Set defined timelines and repair budget for if a device needs to be decommissioned.
Hardware Cost Savings
Businesses leave a large amount of money on the table each month with poor hardware lifecycle management. Each new device ordered because of user mistreatment not only carries the cost of equipment, but also any liability cost for contracts. With automated workflows and proper policy, DMI ensures no new equipment is ordered unnecessarily.

Reduced Monthly Rate-plan
More and more wireless carriers are providing lower rates for lines with no hardware contracts. With proper lifecycle management of equipment, businesses can budget purchasing equipment outright and taking advantage of these lowered monthly costs.
Additional Features
See our other features.