Mobile Procurement
Simplify your device purchases and have the devices arrive ready to use with your company standard requirements.

Create seamless delivery
Dig into the data so that you can make better, data driven decisions that will benefit your company.
Simplified Process
Order from all your mobile vendors in one portal to reduce time going back and forth between different vendor websites.
Device Storage
Devices are stored securely and are inspected to allow redeployment of spare/loaner devices- reducing the cost of expenses.
Shipment of Devices
Our software seamlessly integrates directly with all major shipping companies allowing you to track and monitor the delivery of the devices.
Procurement Portal
Quickly order devices, setup approvals, track shipments and setup locations to ship devices all in one location.

Increased Visibility
Like any modern online store, you can easily track devices within our system to see exactly where they are in the ordering process.
With our unique procurement approach, we allowed all end-users to order directly from our system. Creating the proper approval workflows and ensuring end-users only ordered company approved devices.
Additional Features
See our other features.